creating success for IT businesses
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Here are the latest WMita and UKita news items:

31/3/06New WMita Quality Mark ApprovalsNew Approvals for quality ICT supplier status
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Source: wmita

31/3/06FREE Training in PRINCE2Are you interested in free training in PRINCE2 for SME's in Objective 2? Do you have some connection to the Medical Technolgy industry? Even a vague connection. This might be particularly useful for you if you are a company involved with the Public Sector.
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Source: wmita

29/3/06Funding Confirmed for Marketing WorkshopsA limited number of places are available on a series of Marketing Workshops with 50% funding thanks to Henley College (Coventry).
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Source: UKita Coventry, Solihull & Warks

28/3/06Applications for WMita Quality Mark Approved status - 28 March 2006Please take a moment to view the new member applications for Quality ICT Supplier status
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Source: wmita

27/3/06MET Construction Industry Discussion Following the remarkable success of Managed Enterprise Technologies previous round table discussion, we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to our next Construction Industry Discussion.
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Source: wmita

24/3/06Open Advantage SeminarWe'd like to invite you to a free seminar: Open Source: the legal issues, 29th March. It's not often a legal team will give advice for free!
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Source: wmita

24/3/06London ESF Olympics ProgrammeCould I draw your attention to a Tender recently advertised on the London Development Agency web site – London ESF Olympics Programme 2006-08.
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Source: wmita

24/3/06Knowledge Transfer Partnerships - Breakfast MeetingMany companies have the potential to improve their profitability but often lack the expertise they need to fully exploit future opportunities.
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Source: wmita

23/3/06New business is the lifeblood of a company but is invariably difficult to find. A new service offered by Bobex IT will help bring IT & Telecommunications buyers and suppliers together to ultimately find you new business.

Source: UKita Nottingham/Derby

22/3/06International Exchange ProgrammeThe aim of this international exchange programme is to encourage the European labour force to become more flexible, and encourage people to go and work in countries other than their own
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Source: wmita

21/3/06The Midlands IRC Newsletter and Technology CatalogueWe have recently been sent the latest MIRC Newsletter and Technologies Catalogue. You may find some of the articles of interest.
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Source: wmita

21/3/06Local IT Firms MergeADECS, the Coventry based ICT support and solution provider, have announced a merger with another local firm. ADECS, who were established in 1992 by local entrepreneurs and have since grown into an organisation with a turnover in excess of £1 million per year, are merging with Executek who have offered a similar portfolio of services since 1998. The merger is due to take place at the beginning of April
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Source: wmita

21/3/06National B2B Centre: April EventsThe National B2B Centre is funded to help small businesses in the region use internet technologies. Here are the details of 2 events that are being held in April which might be of some interest.
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Source: wmita

17/3/06Bye From Claire!Today is my last day at WMita, as I am moving on to pastures new!
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Source: wmita

16/3/06Microsoft Regional TourMicrosoft is running a regional tour for ICT Providers that your members might be interested in.
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Source: wmita

16/3/06Communication Sector Trade MissionUK Trade & Investment invites UK companies to participate on a sector mission to Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. This is an opportunity to establish new and build on existing relationships with companies in these countries
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Source: wmita

16/3/06Opportunities In ITIT & Technical Support Foundation Degree
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Source: wmita

16/3/06Mustard Programme for IT SMEsAMB advisors have been appointed to deliver the Mustard programme throughout the West Midlands region.
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Source: wmita

16/3/06Free Usability TrainingFour West Midland's companies are required for one day training in usability on 23rd March. The training is free
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Source: wmita

16/3/06March OpenAdvantage Newsletter Accelerate your web development with Ruby on Rails. Find out why this new tool is taking the world by storm, allowing powerful web application development to take days rather than months.
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Source: wmita

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