The aim of the mark is to provide trust in the IT industry – suppliers holding the mark will be able to prove to purchasers that they have the necessary people and internal processes to deliver consistent levels of high performance. Meanwhile purchasers will be able to reduce risk by being able to distinguish highly-performing suppliers because of their accreditation.
The mark is being developed in conjunction with key industry bodies, including Intellect, the National B2B Centre and many local government bodies. A key part of the development of the mark is to get the views of SME suppliers and purchasers in the West Midlands. This is where WMita and our members fit in – we want to know what you think about this project. We would be grateful if you could fill in the Expression of Interest form (don’t worry, it does not commit you to anything) or even get involved in the development of the mark directly by contacting us.”
Click here to view the Expression of Interest Form.
Please return it to [email protected] or by post to Central Office, we will then forward it to the National Computing Centre on your behalf.