1) UKita Website
Each Member has an online Directory Profile Listing.
In January and February 2008 there was over 18,000 visitors. Most of these hits are through the search engine GOOGLE. In 2007 there were a total of 100,709 visitors, 59,000 of which were unique. If this average rate continues then 2008 will see a 10-20% increase from 2007.
UKita also has an online Forum used my members as a secure business chat room. A new, improved website is currently in development and will be fully operational by the end of 2008.
Users log into a Members Only Area to access offers and Opportunities. UKita has exclusive partnerships with people from MAS and City Councils for I.T related contracts. The Opportunities Board allows members to work on larger contracts or tenders collaboratively. These combined UKita opportunities succeeded over £1 million in 2007. This allows for a tendering process, used by and for members. UKita also uses other members with similar tendering facilitation, such as Skillfair.
The Circle Group, a UKita Member, offers a 10% discount on all insurance policies. They will better your current policies and renewals, already saving many members a lot of money.
Many Members present deals or special offers to other members. This includes discounts on Telesales, PR, Marketing, Consultancy, Websites, IT Support and Legal Services. Our members are mainly IT companies but also cover all areas of, and relating to ICT. These are ongoing throughout the year.
UKita organises areas with Branches. You can belong to your local area’s branch, belonging to their committee or team. This fuels collaboration and has developed all of the companies that network at local meetings and events. This is a chance to network with the right people.
There are 6 established West Midlands Branches with UKita growing and developing these in the rest of the UK. UKita now have a presence in areas such as London, Southampton, Portsmouth, Leicestershire and Nottingham. This branch set-up allows for members to also run, jointly combine events allowing for informative seminars, presentations etc.
UKita works in contra-partnerships with many relevant industry organisations. Through membership you will have access to the Chambers of Commerce, Business Link, West Midlands Business Council, and the FPB, the NCC, WMICTC, AWM and others. UKita will inform you all relevant news, events, offers and information from these organisations. UKita also works with the UKTI, LSC, WMCCE, MAS, IET, BCS, UKBI, SFIA, e-skills UK, Medilink UK, WMCCM and many other affiliates and partners.
We also have exclusive deals on mortgages with West Bromwich Building Society, discounts with AXA PPP Healthcare, Free 24 hour Legal Help (24hour e-mail response), and other member exclusive deals.
Members have helped to achieve contractual objectives and activities on the above, just some of UKita’s 2007/08 projects.
UKita’s ties with large organisations like AWM and other RDA’s can help your company find the right funding and access points for support and assists. UKita works very closely with educational bodies and institutes such as Universities, Colleges and Technology Centres. In 2007 a Public Sector Gateway was launched to connect member SME’s with Council representatives.
UKita has a recognised accreditation qualification for its members. It is affordable, achievable, and easy to apply for and of minimal time consumption. An independent company assesses customer satisfaction and overall basic company information best practice. This includes website tests, reference checks, accreditations and company information/registrations.
Members with the Quality Mark have access to exclusive opportunities. UKita now has a tie-in with Business Link.
11) PR & Marketing Opportunities
Members can post news stories, and have the ability to advertise events, vacancies and reseller opportunities. Members have benefitted from article/magazine requests for articles and have featured in many industry publications. UKita also has a Trade Directory and is involved in PIN SME (The European IT Association). UKita allows members to present and exhibit stands at supporting events. Members also regularly feature in publications that UKita are members of, partners, affiliates and sponsor publications. www.pinsme.eu