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UKita/It Futures - e-adoption update
1st October 2007


Dear all members.

The e-adoption project is being delivered at a fast rate and has satisifed some of the desired funding streams. A handful of new companies have joined UKita in order to deliver this e-adoption.

Can UKita remind all members that from the start of this project there has been an office available solely for e-adoption. This is available for the Project Manager, Mr Ed Bennett, and all companies involved in the e-adoption project.

We have now recieved payments from IT Futures and will be processing all UKita Member Invoices shortly and be making payments for all agreed and delivered adoption assists.

For more information on new, current or existing project deliverance please direct all enquiries to Mr Edward Bennett at [email protected]  or on 0121 506 9325/ 07802 700279.


IT Futures

IT Futures is an Advantage West Midlands-funded project, bringing the expertise of the University's School of Computing and IT to small and medium-sized enterprises in the region.