creating success for IT businesses
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Special Interest Group Launch
4th December 2007

Special interest & innovation group –

ECM Framework

Launch date seminar 23rd January 2008


Do you want to increase your sales

Need to know how the related technologies fit

See how UKITA members get benefits from joining

Understand why customers require the UKITA services

See how UKITA members customers improve their bottom line


I believe the technology and the associated services are under represented within UKITA and the benefits are not fully explored.


There are plans to put on a series of seminars with the focus on benefits that can be gained from the implementation of ECM, Document Management and other Framework components.


Case Study to be used at launch


·          A franchise operation required to be more efficient so they can grow faster without impacting on overhead


·          The document processes required to be streamlined


·          Their web site needed upgrading and optimising


A supplier of Document Management had a product which was best fit.

A UKITA member had the skills to project plan and business networking know how

A new recruit to UKITA was found who had the technical skills to put the solution together


Result –

The Document Management supplier made a sale

The new UKITA member employed his skills in providing a solution because of the networking of another UKITA member


The franchise company has got a solution that reduced the pain and improved the gain.


UKITA IT suppliers are needed with your skills, and together, the aim is to grow extra revenue from your existing customer base, or find new customers based around this Special Interest Group.


Are you enthusiastic and ready to join.


I hope you will see the potential in working together; if you are interested in discussing this further, please contact me, Stuart Farmer, on 0115 9464773.




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