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Free Educational Event on IT Disaster Recovery
4th December 2007

ADECS Profita Offering Free Educational Event on IT Disaster Recovery

ADECS Profita, the Coventry based IT service provider, will be hosting a workshop on the key issue of IT disaster recovery for its clients and other local businesses that are interested in attending. The workshop is taking place at ADECS Profita’s Westwood Business Park offices on Tuesday 11 December and is completely free of charge. A buffet lunch will be included.

This will be the final workshop in the 2007 programme. ADECS Profita holds regular business workshops covering subjects relevant to the various areas of support that they specialise in. As well as IT, this includes Customer Relationship Management, marketing and print and design. To book a place, or to look at the recently published schedule for events in 2008, delegates should visit

Martin Ellis, an ADECS Profita Director, said “IT disaster recovery is something of a hot topic at the moment. 76% of organisations do not have a plan in place should they have to cope with a major IT disaster such as a total loss through fire, flood or theft. The workshop is going to be very popular, and we always limit numbers to a maximum of 20 to ensure an interactive training environment.”

For further information, please contact:

Gareth Drew     E-mail: [email protected]
ADECS Profita     Tel: 0845 310 9400