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20th November 2006

Arti took the room by storm and challenged everyone to see their business and themselves in a new light and focus their actions and thoughts on meeting their key personal development and empowerment objectives.

For Birmingham Branch’s chair Peter Kemp, the first event under his leadership  was voted a big hit and Bob Boyd of WMita and UKita was also on hand to update members on some highly significant developments for the organisations.

Arti Halai has worked for some of the country’s largest media organisations such as the BBC, ITN News Channel, LWT, Mirror Group and Sunrise Radio.  This experience helped her when she set up her own company, AH Action!, which offers deep insights into understanding behaviour, communication and the most effective way to get a message across.

After the event in an email to Peter Kemp, Arti said: “I thought you did an excellent job setting the scene and both you and Salim Shaikh should be proud of the event. It was professional, smooth and slick and the dinner was delicious.”